・Portable Hand Held Metal Detector This is a high performance Hand Held Metal Detector designed to meet the exact requirements of the security.With large detecting probe area, fast detecting speed and high sensitivity.
・Two alternative alert ways With a power switch to choose between sound and vibration, easy and convenient to operate.
・Low Sensitivity Switch Easily switch the sensitivity, realizing the detection of bulky goods and very small metal objects.
・3 Color of Indicators Indicators of different colors, green for power, red for alert, yellow for low battery indicator (Side). Besides, the detection area has multiple signal strength indicators.
・Widely Application Designed for safety check and detection of prohibited goods, electronic products, metal objects in railway station, frontier defense, school, court and factory,airport and border security.
カテゴリー: 金属探知機
高さ: 38.0 センチ
幅: 8.2 センチ
奥行: 4.2 センチ
重量: 0.3 Kg
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